Waves TO YOU
Our Waves to You are short and sweet bulletins that we email out to our clients.
Each one is loaded with destination specific information, travel tips, recipes, specials, activities and more!
Enjoy our archive below!

November 2024
We’re thrilled to bring you the first Cruise Dreams Waves to You eBlast, where we’re focusing on some current travel trends, like multi-generational travel, kindred spirits group travel and reunion travel. We really hope you enjoy it! Same great travel trends and news, just with a new name. These will be released every two months rather than monthly, much like our Weekly Waves.

November 2020
In this week’s Weekly Waves, the holiday season is approaching, and while we will gather and celebrate differently this year, may we still find ways to show gratitude and bring joy to those around us. Currently, cruise lines are hard at work adapting to the CDC’s extensive requirements and putting safeguards in place. When all of this is behind us, cruising may very well be the safest way to travel, as it is the only industry being scrutinized by both the CDC AND governments worldwide.

July 2020
Although these are challenging times, I believe there are clear skies ahead – our rainbow at the end of the hurricane. We can’t wait to welcome you back to travel — and with our expertise and careful planning, peace of mind will always be on the itinerary when booking with Cruise Dreams. In the meantime, let’s explore the wonders of Costa Rica in this weeks Weekly Waves, with its volcanoes, beaches and wildlife. o place like